Developing the strategic plan
What's our vision statement?
There are many different ways to create a strategic plan. We've found the "hedgehog concept", developed by Jim Collins, works well for a range of trusts, whether they're big or small.
Having a defined and documented vision for your trust is an important part of enabling the success for your whenua and whānau. It helps to ensure the trust and your whānau are focussed on the right things all the way through your journey with whenua Māori.
Trustees and whānau might have a good idea of what the vision for the trust will be right from the start, but it's often good to wait to formalise it after the deep korero of the previous strategy steps.
Your vision statement should be inspirational, and aligned to the owners' aspirations for the whenua.
Examples of vision statements include:
- Parininihi Ki Waitotara: He tangata, he whenua, he oranga – Sustaining and growing our people through prosperity.
- Te Puni Kōkiri: Thriving whānau.